As per the US Fire Administration news there are over 12,000 fires caused from dryer vent every year causing deaths and major property damage. Cleaning of dryer vent reduces the risk of fire hazards by removing the accumulated lint.
It is recommended to clean a dryer vent with the help of the professionals. Company that cleans dryer vent possesses both machines and expertise to get to the in and out of the vent in order to remove all the accumulated trash that develops next to the ventilation pipe lining. While cleaning the vent, the professionals mainly focus on the vent cap which is removable. The insertion of the vacuum tubes and the snake pipes will remove loose trash to prevent the blockage of the venting pipe. Special observations are provided for the pipe bents to remove the harsh trash.
Company that cleans dryer vent comes up with the analytical tests for the owners subsequently with the cleansing task. The primary reason of conducting the test is to observe the capability of the vent to handle the given pressure, the quantity of gas being emitted from the vent and the closing of discarded opening in the ventilation pipe. The cleaning of the dryer vent depends on the services provided by each company, the length of the dryer to be cleaned. The dryer vent should be cleaned as per the advice of the professionals or the frequency of its usage for drying.